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Recordings hosted on an asciinema server instance, such as, can be easily embedded on any website either as an inline player or as a link containing a preview image of the recording.

This allows you to enrich a blog post or project documentation with minimal effort.

When embedding with the methods presented below, all the assets are served from This server has been operational since 2012 and hopefully isn't going anywhere (you can help by donating). However, if you prefer not to depend on a third party, consider including the standalone player on your website, or self-hosting the server.

Inline player

You can embed a player for your recording in a page by inserting a recording-specific <script> tag, which serves the player and the recording from Check the alternative Preview image link option if a website doesn't permit inserting <script> tags.

To get the inline player snippet for a recording click on the "Share" button on the recording page. The snippet looks like this:

<script src="" id="asciicast-bJMOlPe5F4mFLY0Rl6fiJSOp3" async></script>

The script adds the player to a page at the location of the script itself, allowing precise placement by simply copy-pasting the snippet.

The script injects an <iframe> element into the page, into which the asciinema player is loaded. The frame is automatically resized, using the full width of the containing element and adjusting its height to maintain the proportions of the recorded terminal.

Here's how it looks:

The look and feel of the inline player defaults to the settings used by the author on the recording settings page. Many of those can be overriden by using custom data attributes with the <script> tag.

The following embed snippet makes the player start playback from the 25-second mark (data-start-at="25"), play at 2x speed (data-speed="2"), and use the Solarized Dark terminal theme (data-theme="solarized-dark"):

<script src="" id="asciicast-bJMOlPe5F4mFLY0Rl6fiJSOp3" async data-start-at="25" data-speed="2" data-theme="solarized-dark"></script>

Here's how it looks with those additional options applied:

The list of available options, along with their descriptions, is provided below. Add them as data-<option-name>="value" attributes on the embed <script> tag, as shown in the example above.


Use start-at to start start the playback at a given time.

Supported formats:

  • 123 (number of seconds)
  • 2:03 (mm:ss)
  • 1:02:03 (hh:mm:ss)

Defaults to 0.


When start-at is specified then autoplay=1 is implied. To prevent the player from starting automatically when start-at parameter is set you have to additionally use autoplay=0.


Use autoplay to control whether the playback should start automatically upon a page load.

Accepted values:

  • no value, i.e. <script ... data-autoplay ...> - start the playback automatically
  • 1 / true - start the playback automatically
  • 0 / false - don't start the playback automatically (default)


Use loop to enable looped playback.

Accepted values:

  • no value, i.e. <script ... data-loop ...> - enable looped playback
  • 1 / true - enable looped playback
  • 0 / false - disable looped playback (default)


Use speed to alter the playback speed.

Accepts an integer or a float.

For example:

  • 2 (2x faster)
  • 0.5 (2x slower)

Defaults to 1 - original recording speed.


Use idle-time-limit to optimize away idle moments in a recording.

Accepts an integer or a float, representing a maximum idle time between animation frames.

For example, when set to 2 any inactivity longer than 2 seconds will be "compressed" to 2 seconds.

Defaults to either:

  • "Idle time limit" setting from the recording settings page,
  • idle_time_limit from asciicast header (saved when --idle-time-limit <sec> is used with asciinema rec),
  • no limit if none of the above is present.


Use theme to override a theme used for the player's terminal.

The available themes are:

  • asciinema
  • dracula
  • monokai
  • nord
  • solarized-dark
  • solarized-light
  • tango

Defaults to either:

  • "Terminal theme" from the recording settings page,
  • "asciinema" theme.


Use poster to specify an alternative poster (preview frame) to display in player's terminal until the playback is started.

Currently only NPT ("Normal Play Time") notation is supported.

For example, poster=npt:1:23 will display a preview frame at 1 min 23 sec.

Defaults to either:

  • "Thumbnail frame" from the recording settings page,
  • 50% of the recording duration.


Use cols to override player's terminal width, i.e number of columns.

Defaults to either:

  • "Terminal columns" from the recording settings page,
  • columns saved in the recording file.


Setting cols to a value smaller then the one from the original recording may break the rendering of sessions containing "full screen" programs like vim, htop or less. It's usually safe to override cols for recordings of basic command execution in a shell.


Use rows to override player's terminal height, i.e number of rows.

Defaults to either:

  • "Terminal rows" from the recording settings page,
  • rows saved in the recording file.


The same caveat applies as with the cols option above.


Use preload to control whether the player should start fetching the recording immediately upon a page load, before a viewer starts the playback.

  • 0 / false - don't preload the recording (default)
  • 1 / true - preload the recording


When poster is specified then preload=1 is implied. That's because the player needs to load the recording in order to generate a preview frame.

Embedding as an image link is useful in places where <script> tags are not allowed, such as in a project's README file rendered by Github.

To get the preview link snippet for a recording click on the "Share" button on the recording page. The snippet looks like this:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a>

Below is the result. It resembles a player with a large play button, but it simply links to a recording. The preview image is an SVG file, which ensures it looks great in all contexts and on all screen sizes.