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Getting started

This guide serves as your introduction to asciinema, starting with the basics of recording a terminal with the asciinema CLI. We'll cover how to share recordings via, embed the player on a website, and conclude with instructions for self-hosting the server.


Install the asciinema CLI first. There are several installation options to choose from:

pipx install asciinema
sudo apt install asciinema
sudo pacman -S asciinema
brew install asciinema

Check the Installation section for all installation options.

Now record your terminal with:

asciinema rec demo.cast

This starts a new recording session, where everything printed to a terminal gets captured and saved to the demo.cast file in asciicast format.

To end the recording session simply exit the shell. This can be done by pressing ctrl+d or entering exit.

Replay your recording with:

asciinema play demo.cast

You can pause/resume by pressing space, or end the playback early by pressing ctrl+c.

See asciinema CLI quick-start guide for more examples.


Replaying a recording in your terminal is handy but not as useful as sharing it with the wider audience on the internet.

You can host your recordings at, which is a hosting platform for terminal recordings powered by asciinema server. Hosting your recordings on is completely optional but has many benefits, e.g. easy sharing and embedding.

Upload your recording to with:

asciinema upload demo.cast

The command prints a secret link to the recording page, where you can view it. Feel free to share the link with anyone.

The player component on the recording page is not a typical video player. It's asciinema player, built from the ground up to play terminal sessions. It lets you copy the contents of its terminal view, just like in a regular terminal. Try it: pause the playback, select some lines, copy, paste elsewhere. It's just text after all!

If you'd like to manage your recordings on (set a title, change terminal color theme) you need to link your uploads to your user account. To do do it run:

asciinema auth

This command displays a URL, which, when opened in a web browser, authenticates the CLI with your account, ensuring you access to your uploads.

You can skip this step now, and do it later. However, all recordings not assigned to an account are automatically deleted after 7 days. See docs for asciinema upload and asciinema auth commands for detailed information.


asciinema player can be embedded on any website by using HTML <script> tag. Embedded player is commonly used on blogs, in project documentation, and in conference talk slides.

All recordings uploaded to can be embedded on a website by using a script snippet provided on the recording's page. It looks like this:

<script async id="asciicast-569727" src=""></script>

To get it, go to a recording page, click on the "Share" button and copy the script from the "Embed the player" section.

The above <script> tag is included right below this very paragraph, resulting in the following player:

If you prefer not to rely on for your embedded demos, you can use the standalone player on your website like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/asciinema-player.css" />
  <div id="demo"></div>
  <script src="/asciinema-player.min.js"></script>
    AsciinemaPlayer.create('/demo.cast', document.getElementById('demo'));

See asciinema player quick-start guide for full setup details.

Self-hosting the server

While is the default asciinema server used by the CLI for uploading recordings, you can self-host your own instance if you want full ownership and control over the recordings.

asciinema server is packaged as OCI container image and is available at

Here's a minimal docker-compose example:

      - '4000:4000'
      - asciinema_data:/var/opt/asciinema
        condition: service_healthy

      - postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      test: ['CMD-SHELL', 'pg_isready -U postgres']
      interval: 2s
      timeout: 5s
      retries: 10


Start it with:

docker compose up

Then point asciinema CLI to it by setting ASCIINEMA_API_URL environment variable:

export ASCIINEMA_API_URL=http://localhost:4000

asciinema rec demo.cast
asciinema upload demo.cast

Note that the above configuration should be used only for testing the server locally. See full server self-hosting guide to learn how to set it up properly in a full-featured and secure way.

Generating a GIF

On websites where <script> tags are not allowed but <img> tags are, you can use animated GIF files for embedding your demos.

Use agg to create a GIF file from your recording:

agg demo.cast first.gif

See agg usage manual for GIF generation details.

Using asciinema player to present a recording is usually a better choice than a GIF file if you have the option of using <script> tags. Contrary to GIF, the player provides the ability to pause, rewind, copy text, and it always renders the terminal content as sharp as possible on a given display.

Next steps

Thank you for taking the first steps with asciinema through this introductory guide. Our goal was to provide you with a clear, high-level overview of the asciinema tools and their usage.

For additional insights and answers, feel free to explore our FAQ section and join the conversation in the #asciinema room on the Matrix network, (web client), or #asciinema IRC channel on Libera.Chat (web client).

To stay updated on the latest developments and get useful tips, follow on Mastodon.

Happy recording!