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asciinema player provides AsciinemaPlayer module, which exports create function for adding the player to a page.

The player object, returned by create function, provides several methods that can be used to control the player or obtain information about its state.

Check Installation section for instructions on making the module available to your code.

Mounting in DOM

Add the player to a page with:

AsciinemaPlayer.create(src, containerElement, opts);

The arguments are:

  • src - recording source, typically a recording URL,
  • containerElement - container DOM element, to mount the player in,
  • opts - configuration options (optional)

For example, to mount the player inside demo element and use idleTimeLimit option do this:

AsciinemaPlayer.create('/demo.cast', document.getElementById('demo'), {
  idleTimeLimit: 2

See Loading a recording learn about various ways of getting a recording into the player.

See Options for a complete list of available options.

Control & inspection

To control the player programmatically, assign the return value of AsciinemaPlayer.create to a variable. Then use any of the control methods like this:

const player = AsciinemaPlayer.create('/demo.cast', document.getElementById('demo')); => {
  console.log(`started! duration: ${player.getDuration()}`);

Here goes a complete list of available methods exposed by the player:


Returns the current playback time in seconds.

player.getCurrentTime(); // => 1.23


Returns the length of the recording in seconds, or null if the recording is not loaded yet.

player.getDuration(); // => 123.45


Initiates playback of the recording. If the recording hasn't been preloaded then it's loaded, and playback is started.;

This function returns a promise which is fulfilled when the playback actually starts. => {
  console.log(`started! duration: ${player.getDuration()}`);

If you want to synchronize asciinema player with other elements on the page, e.g. audio HTML element, then you can use this promise for coordination. Alternatively you can add event listener for play / playing events (see below).


Pauses playback.


The playback is paused immediately.


Changes the playback location to specified time or marker.

location argument can be:

  • time in seconds, as number, e.g. 15
  • position in percentage, as string, e.g '50%'
  • specific marker by its 0-based index, as { marker: i } object, e.g. { marker: 3 }
  • previous marker, as { marker: 'prev' } object,
  • next marker, as { marker: 'next' } object.

This function returns a promise which is fulfilled when the location actually changes. => {
  console.log(`current time: ${player.getCurrentTime()}`);

addEventListener(eventName, handler)

Adds event listener, binding handler's this to the player object.

See Events below for the list of all supported events.


Use this function to dispose of the player, i.e. to shut it down, release all resources and remove it from DOM.


The following events are dispatched by the player during the playback. You can react to them by attaching event listeners with addEventListener.

play event

play event is dispatched when playback is initiated, either by clicking play button or calling method, but not yet started.

player.addEventListener('play', () => {


There's subtle difference between the play event and the playing event (below). If the recording is not preloaded (default behaviour) then play is trigerred when the player initiates the playback and starts fetching the recording. In other words, play signals the intent of playback. playing signals the actual start.

playing event

playing event is dispatched when playback actually starts or resumes from pause.

player.addEventListener('playing', () => {
  console.log(`playing! we're at: ${this.getCurrentTime()}`);

pause event

pause event is dispatched when playback is paused.

player.addEventListener('pause', () => {

ended event

ended event is dispatched when playback stops after reaching the end of the recording.

player.addEventListener('ended', () => {

input event

input event is dispatched for every keyboard input that was recorded.

Callback's 1st argument is an object with data field, which contains registered input value. Usually this is ASCII character representing a key, but may be a control character, like "\r" (enter), "\u0001" (ctrl-a), "\u0003" (ctrl-c), etc. See input event in asciicast file format for more information.

player.addEventListener('input', ({ data }) => {
  console.log('input!', JSON.stringify(data));

This event can be used for example to play keyboard typing sound, or display key presses on the screen.


input events are available only for asciicasts recorded with --stdin option, i.e. asciinema rec --stdin <filename>.

Experimental inputOffset driver option can be used to shift triggering of input events in time, e.g. when you need them to fire earlier due to audio sample latency.

Say, you want to play Cherry MX Brown (eeewww!) sound for each key press.

const player = AsciinemaPlayer.create({
  url: '/demo.cast',
  inputOffset: -0.125
}, document.getElementById('demo'));

player.addEventListener('input', ({ data }) => {
  // this is fired 125 milliseconds ahead of the original key press time

Below is the result. Make sure your audio is not on mute.


inputOffset is a driver option. Driver options are options specific to each driver, and they must be passed in create's first argument, together with a URL. inputOffset is an option of the recording driver.

Concept of drivers is not fully finalized yet and is subject to change. Feel free to check the source code of currently available drivers for what options are available. Be warned though: drivers other than the default recording one are experimental and may change in the future.

marker event

marker event is dispatched for every marker encountered during playback.

Callback's 1st argument is an object with index, time and label fields, which represent marker's index (0-based), time and label respectively.

player.addEventListener('marker', ({ index, time, label }) => {
  console.log(`marker! ${index} - ${time} - ${label}`);

This event can be used for orchestrating arbitrary, timed actions on your page outside of the player, as well as for fine-grained playback control, e.g. implementing looping over a section of a recording.