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Native package

agg may be available in your operating system's packager manager repository. Search for agg or asciinema-agg.

If it's not there then you can download prebuilt agg binary or build from source.

Prebuilt binaries

agg is written in Rust, and Rust compiler produces standalone binaries that can run without extra dependencies. There's Github Actions Release workflow for agg which builds binaries for multiple OSes and CPU architectures, attaching the binaries to every new release on Github.

Visit latest release page, and download a binary appropriate for your system.

For 64-bit x86 system choose a file with x86_64 in the name. For ARMv8 (64-bit, e.g. Apple Silicon) choose a file with aarch64. For ARMv7 (32-bit, e.g. Raspberry Pi) choose a file with arm.

Make it executable and put it somewhere in $PATH:

chmod a+x agg
sudo mv agg /usr/local/bin

Building from source

Building from source requires Rust compiler (1.56.0 or later) and Cargo package manager. You can install both with rustup.

To download source code, build agg binary and install it in $HOME/.cargo/bin run:

cargo install --git

You need to ensure $HOME/.cargo/bin is in your shell's $PATH.

Alternatively, you can manually download source code and build agg binary with:

git clone
cd agg
cargo build --release

This produces an executable file in release mode (--release) at target/release/agg. There are no other build artifacts so you can copy the binary to a directory in your $PATH.

Building with Docker

Alternatively, if you have Docker, Podman or another Docker-compatible tool installed you can use it to build agg container image. This doesn't require Rust toolchain installed on your machine.

Build the image with the following command:

docker build -t agg .

Then run agg like this:

docker run --rm -it -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $PWD:/data agg demo.cast demo.gif

If you use Podman in root-less mode:

podman run --rm -it -v $PWD:/data agg demo.cast demo.gif